Preparing Your Camper for Camp

Whether it is your camper’s first or fifth time going to an overnight camp, here are some ways to prepare!

If your camper is a first-timer, refer to our First Time Camper page for more recommendations.

1. Follow the packing list!

We have curated a packing list that covers all of the general needs of a camper! Please also be mindful of cabin space. Two campers share the space underneath one bunk. The space under a bunk has room for each camper’s belongings, but not enough room for drawer stacks, or multiple bags per camper. 

2. Include your camper in the shopping, labeling, and packing!

It can be very overwhelming to pack all of your things into a bag and show up at a new place. It may be helpful for your camper to know what they have with them. Getting them involved in the shopping, labeling, and packing can help them feel more in control and knowledgeable about what they brought with them to camp.

*Labeling items your camper brings can also help campers figure out whose things are whose.

3. Practice independence skills that your camper will use at camp!

Your camper will have staff members to help them with the daily routines, but practicing things like teeth brushing, hair brushing, and showering by themselves can be very helpful. Campers will also be asked by their counselors to make their beds, tidy their areas, and be expected to keep track of their belongings. Being aware of these things can help smooth out these inevitable daily routines.

4. Talk about the fun things that camp has to offer!

We have put together a couple of resources you can use in order to calm the nerves and excite!